Speaking of: 28 weeks! The bump is definitely growing, but I'm not sure the size change shows up in the picture this time?
We're leaving for our last road trip before the baby comes. Considering that I feel well, I'm looking forward to it. Indiana is going to be great because we're dropping Matt off at this first year of college, and I'll be able to see most of my family, which may be the last time for a while. Then we're going to stop by St. Louis and see a good friend from our college days, and then on to Oklahoma for a wedding of one of my friends from high school! I'm not entirely sure which part I'm most excited about because I really love everyone we're getting to see. :)
On the nursery front, since my brother is off to college, I'm stealing my oooooold nightstand and the dresser I just gave him last year! The dresser we hit a few bumps with moving (FYI: Highlanders are not that big), but the nightstand is in place, painted, and adds the perfect touch to that side of the room. Now I just have to find a better lamp shade. And please pardon the mess in the room; we're keeping everything unfinished until October.